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Drawing Science & Geography | Simple ways to master drawing skills | 1992 | Bruce Robertson | Engelstalig | Uitgever; Franklin Watts London – New York – Sydney – Toronto |

Artikelnummer 1100 Categorie

Drawing Science & Geography | Simple ways to master drawing skills | 1992 | Bruce Robertson | Engelstalig | Uitgever; Franklin Watts London – New York – Sydney – Toronto |Drawing Science.†Part of the “Drawing” series of books that provide an introduction on how to draw accurately in the major National Curriculum subjects. Each book begins with general instructions of drawing techniques and is followed by examples on how to draw items. This book looks at drawing for science.Drawing Geography.Part of the “Drawing” series of books that provide an introduction on how to draw accurately in the Major National Curriculum subjects. Each book begins with general instructions of drawing techniques and is followed by examples on how to draw items. This book looks at drawing for geography.

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